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"Ein sehr unterhaltsames und außergewöhnliches Theaterstück, das man so nur selten zu Gesicht bekommt." (Kulturbüro)
"... eine witzige Inszenierung mit vielen Einfällen und leisen philosophischen Anklängen." (Göttinger Tageblatt)
".. good acting, straightforward funny jokes and brilliant song choices turn everything into a successful play that is worth a visit." (Litlog)
When Nina enters her first air guitar competition, she thinks winning will be easy. But as she befriends a group of charismatic nerds all committed to becoming the next champion, she discovers that there’s more to this art form than playing pretend; it’s about finding yourself in your favorite songs, and performing with raw joy. Will Nina be able to let go and set herself free onstage? Following her mission to shred or be shredded, Airness is an exuberant reminder that everything we need to rock is already inside us.
The English Drama Workshop presents a comedy about competition, completion, and finding the airness inside yourself.
Trailer: Hendrik Pigola
Karin Reilly
Reservierung ab ca. 14 Tage vor der Premiere.